Saturday, June 29, 2013


I am a bread addict. Its a little pathetic actually. So when I found out I was sensitive to gluten I was so bummed. I used to buy a loaf of sourdough wheat bread and sit at the toaster and just toast it and eat half a loaf in one sitting. I love me some sourdough. But if you have ever been gluten free, you will know that gluten free sourdough doesn't exist.

This is bubbles at the very beginning of the starter process. Those are grapes floating in there.
so I decided to make my own. Why not? :} I started with this recipe for sourdough starter. This was my first attempt making sourdough starter and I cant believe it but it worked! I didn't kill it. And being that its a living organism and parked in my fridge for the long haul, I decided to give it a name. I named my sourdough starter "Bubbles".

Anyway. On to the baking. I tried a loaf of sourdough bread and it was so dense and heavy that it wasn't really edible. But the flavor and the crust were DELIGHTFUL. So I consider that a semi-success. I will try again with a new recipe soon.

So I get to feed bubbles once a week to keep her happy. I give her a half cup of gluten free flour and half cut of water and mix well then put her back in the fridge loosely covered so she can breathe. If I think I am going to bake something I need to feed her the night before.

My latest sourdough venture was sourdough pancakes. Have you ever been to pig 'N' pancake before? They have the most amazing sourdough pancakes. ever. did I mention they were amazing?

So I tried this recipe. IT> WAS> EPIC!!! so good! The best gluten free pancakes I have consumed in my lifetime. Enough ranting and raving. Take a look for yourself.

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