Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Ethan participated in VBS when he was 2. He was technically too young but they let him tag along with the 3 year olds and he liked it.. He has changed a lot since then. He didn't remember that previous experience, and had no idea what we were in for when I took him to the first assembly for VBS this year. There were over 200 kids in the auditorium. They were screaming joyfully and playing a stomping game. They were everywhere. They. were. loud.
Ethan started shaking. Granted, it would be overwhelming for any 4 year old kiddo. But he was mesmerized and overwhelmed all at once. I had him sit with his friend in the 4 year old section and he seemed ok once he saw someone he recognized. I walked around to snap a few pictures, and I came back and he was screaming and crying.
"Mommy, I looked for you and I couldn't find you!" tears streaming... oh my heart he broke. Lesson learned. Too much. Too fast. I'm learning that Asbergers can cause little kids to be completely overstimulated. They hear, see, feel, touch, smell, everything around them, but completely amplified.. So if it is a crazy situation, they don't cope well. I knew that about him already. I should've been better prepared.
 We are talking about a boy who usually waves goodbye to me without a backward glance when he is off to play.. He was clearly distraught.
On a lighter note, once the big loud crowd dispersed into the smaller classes, he was mostly back to his normal self. By the third day he knew what to expect, I gave him a calming remedy before hand and he handled it like a champ. Since I was the photographer for VBS, I got the benefit of checking in on him periodically from a distance if needed. 
At the end of the third day he was begging me to go back. He sings the songs they have been learning constantly, in the bathtub, in the car, at the dinner table.. He told me this morning "we love God, don't we mom?".. Its been tough to see him struggle, but I have been praying for him in these stressful moments. Praying that the yield would be worth it. Praying that God would protect his little mind and heart from the stress. And that as Im hearing the kids reciting Bible verses as I walk through the halls, that my Ethan would be hiding God's words in his heart. Im so thankful for all of the volunteers that put together such a big busy week to give us a huge opportunity to give all of these 200+ kids Jesus.


Listening to the Bible story (with his special blankie of course)
He made a keychain!
 He was very proud

He seems to hang by himself when things are busy or a little crazy. Just sitting and observing everyone else.

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