Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ireland Adventures: Day 1 part 2. Getting settled in Dublin

After our trek down Grafton street we grabbed some € from the ATM. It's hard to do the conversion in my head, so I use an app, but 1 Euro is approximately $1.30.

We found a shopping center much like the malls at home but a little smaller. We had to pay 10p (cents) to use the public restroom. We took an elevator down the the basement and it was a grocery store. Totally cool. A few things different here... 1 they don't really use shopping carts, so you don't see carts piled high with boxes and bags of packaged foods. They buy really only what they need for a meal or two at a time. It's illegal to spray the produce with pesticides here so it's all considered organic, which is awesome. They don't provide any bags so you have to bring your own or carry groceries home, which we did. The food is also pretty spendy, which these 2 factors definetly are good methods to promote saving money and only buy the necessities. We didn't see anything that said "BOGO" or see any coupons being used. 

The picture of the beautiful stained glass was from the visitor center. 

You'll also notice we learned some new skills on our first day. Not usually the dancing type but since I'm into trying new things these days....

This mysterious "brown sauce" is funny. I haven't been brave enough to try it yet. It's next to the "tomato sauce" which is their equivalent of ketchup. Any guesses on eat it tastes like?

We went home and I had to toodle around to keep myself awake. Organizing suitcases. Showering ect. Walking adjust round campus. We finally crashed at 5 pm and woke up at 1 am. Ugh. We were awake till 4 am and finally went back to sleep till 7. What a night. I think we I'll adjust better after one more good solid night of sleep.

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